Annual update

I couldn’t remember my login details for ages for this site.

But, as you guessed. I worked them out.

Lately I’ve been feeling like I am stuck in a rut. Like I’m waiting for things to happen, and any day now they will.

But I don’t know what these ‘things’ are.

Anyone else?

Nothing much new has been happening. As far as routines or anything go everything been pretty chaotic at the moment and maybe that’s the issue.

Routines are so boring. Yet when I don’t have one I find myself wishing for one.

I also think that time is going by so fast and even though I feel like I’ve literally just packed the Christmas tree away it’s now March and a quarter of the year is gone.

I need time to slow down!

I’ve also been thinking recently that I wished I could run. How stupid does that sound?! Of course I have the capability to run, it’s probably more the confidence and drive to do it.

But I really want to!! What’s stopping me?

Anyone just writing the random crap that’s popping in to my head right now as I watch a documentary on Netflix. It’s called the keepers. Very sad and eye opening. You should watch it. If you’ve made it this far in to this drivel shite and see that part that is.

Anyway, maybe tomorrow I’ll go for a run.

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