
So it seems that almost every one on my Facebook feed has become sort of positivity guru. Are we really that needy as a generation that we need constant reminders of how great we are and that our lives are a book only we can write?! I mean like, sure it’s nice to be have a compliment once in a while but this constant bombardment of shit sayings and poems on a sunset background is depressing. At this rate we will be sending out happy you had a shit today card, well done Sandra on eating carrots balloons. Swear to fuck. If you generally are someone who is glass half full then that’s great. I’m happy for you. I don’t need the constant reminding of how I should seize the day, give up my job, sell the house and fuck off to see the world. Sadly my mas credit card would decline at the first bus stop lmaooooo Some people would love to chase the wind around the world. We work because we have too. We work because no one else will do it for us. So please bear that in mind when you share how you quit your 12 hours a week job because it wasn’t fulfilling you spiritually. I do like a good animal meme though. Those are allowed.

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